People of Tamba – Milano


Exhibition in the streets of the city and at Fondazione Sozzani – Corso Como 10

from May 16th to June 2nd 2019

Extended to June 16th 


The project People of Tamba exhibition in Milan. The installations (3 meters x 2 meters) are attached on the wall in different streets of Milan and at Fondazione Sozzani.


Il progetto People of Tamba in mostra a Milano. Le installazioni prevedono fotografie di grande formato (3 metri x 2 metri) affisse in diverse zone della città di Milano e alla Fondazione Sozzani. 



Related projects

People of Tamba

The photographic project, comprised of 200 pictures, aims to create a typological catalogue of the society of Tambacounda.

People of Tamba – Dakar

The portraits of People of Tamba were publicly displayed as large prints glued to the walls in the streets of Dakar.

People of Tamba – Palermo

The People of Tamba exhibition arrives in the streets of Palermo for the Biennale Arcipelago Mediterraneo (BAM) at the end of 2019.