A Touching Sight is a 15-minute documentary that shows the different purposes of the extraordinary exhibition Josef and Anni Albers: VIBE – Voyage inside a blind experience.
First and foremost the development of a new inclusive model for a temporary exhibition that can be equally enjoyed by both sighted and visually impaired people.
A new way to enjoy art through the senses that enhances its fruition is the other aim of the exhibition; “feeling the experience”, as Gregorio Battistoni the project creator of the VIBE exhibition affirms. Tactility is particularly emphasised because the Albers Foundation exceptionally for this exhibition provides works of art that can be touched by visitors.
The keyword is synesthesia: the tactile approach allows the audience to “see” a visual image through other senses and viceversa, expanding and challenging the notion of art fruition and aesthetic experience.
This documentary is an opportunity to reflect on how the experience of blind people can enhance the experience of sighted visitors.
VIBE – Josef and Anni Albers Voyage inside a blind experience is an exhibition conceived by Atlante Servizi Culturali.
A Touching Sight è un documentario della durata di 15 minuti che mostra i diversi obiettivi della mostra straordinaria Josef and Anni Albers: VIBE – Voyage inside a blind experience.
In primis lo sviluppo di un nuovo modello inclusivo per una mostra temporanea che possa essere fruibile allo stesso modo da vedenti e persone con disabilità visive.
Un altro obiettivo della mostra è di cercare un nuovo modo di entrare in contatto con l’arte attraverso i sensi; “sentire l’esperienza”, come afferma Gregorio Battistoni, creatore del progetto. Particolare enfasi viene data alla tattilità, perché per questa mostra la Albers Foundation ha messo a disposizione in via del tutto eccezionale delle opere d’arte che possono essere toccate dai visitatori.
VIBE – Josef and Anni Albers Voyage inside a blind experience è una mostra ideata da Atlante Servizi Culturali.
Screening Tour
Artecinema International Film Festival
Saturday, October 12th – h 8.45 p.m.
Teatro Augusteo
Bauhaus: non solo idee ma persone
Monday, October 14th – h 5.00 p.m.
Museo del Novecento – Sala Conferenze
FilmArte Festival
Tuesday, October 15th – h 7.00 p.m.
Wein Salon
The Bauhaus Group
Friday, October 25th – h 18.30 p.m.
Fondazione Monte Verità